Cookies Gelato is the lovechild of two legendary cannabis strains. She inherited insane potency, a sweet taste, and impressive productivity.
Cookies Gelato: A Mix Between Girl Scout Cookies and Gelato 33
The more cannabis you smoke, the higher your tolerance becomes. It doesn’t take much for beginners to get stoned. A couple of puffs from a weak strain will do the trick. However, after several years, frequent smokers require stronger bud to experience the same effects. Cookies Gelato is one of these strains. She provides a monstrous THC level that thrusts the mind into an altered state of consciousness and suspends it there for hours.Cookies Gelato inherited her mighty effects from potent parent strains Girl Scout Cookies and Gelato. However, this dynamic duo is known for more than their sheer power. As you can tell from their names, they both boast sweet and sugary terpene profiles. Cookies Gelato is a manifestation of the best traits from both of these legendary varieties.
Flavor and aroma
It’s not hard to tell that these flowers pack a punch. A brief glance at the buds reveals a forest of trichomes and an ocean of resin. This sticky substance smells spectacular. The hybrid strain contains both indica and sativa genetics, with effects targeting body and mind in equal measure. Her shimmering, bulbous buds emit an attractive scent of sugary sweetness—similar tones race across the tongue upon inhalation.
Growing Cookies Gelato
Not only does Cookies Gelato produce savagely potent flowers, but she does so in significant quantities. After flowering for 8–10 weeks, she produces approximately 600g/m² when cultivated indoors. Growers can enhance yields through training techniques such as LST.
Feminized Photoperiod